
Kelly Sparks - 网上纪念网站

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Kelly Sparks
生于 United States
4 months
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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Kelly Sparks who was born in United States on May 2, 1984 and passed away on September 8, 1984. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

My son Kelly was born May 2,1984 in fresno ,california a healthy beautiful baby boy with long blonde hair and big blue eyes.The nurses went wild over his  hair .I loved him so much he was  my angel i never knew the second i saw him he would change my life forever.Kelly got to met his papa when he was just a few weeks old and his papa fell in love with him,would even take him riding on a cow hehehe yes i said cow.He was my handsome little man i thought i would have forever.

kelly  died Sept,8 1984 from SIDS , in Fresno,Ca. I had never even heard of SIDS until then and had taken him to the doctor the day before for the sniffles and all was well with him i was in total shock and my heart felt like it had died with him . I will never forget that day i lost my angel its like it happened yesterday its burned into my mind and heart.My family tells me i have never been the same after losing my son but what parent is the same after losing a child .

I make this memorial IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY SON KELLY.

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